New Taipei City Tamsui Area Sewerage System
Essential facilities in Taiwan’s most populous municipality
New Taipei City Tamsui Area Sewerage System Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) Project, a pilot project launched by New Taipei City Government, was Taiwan’s very first sewer BOT project. The project, crucial for servicing 56,763 households, comprises a wastewater treatment plant operating at a capacity of more than 56,000 m³ per day and 52,666 m of underground sewerage pipeline. The system is able to accommodate the needs of more than 160,000 people. CEC was responsible for the planning, design and construction of the sewerage system, which is currently operated by its sister company HDEC1.
1 HDEC Corporation, established firstly as CEC’s Environmental Engineering Business Unit, was spun-off and became independent entity in 2006.