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Civil Engineering

Taipei MRT Xinzhuang Line Contract CK570J

Project Type
MRT System
Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City

Architect / Supervising Engineer

Design: CECI Engineering Consultants Inc.
Supervision: First District Project Office, Department of Rapid Transit Systems,
Taipei City Government


First District Project Office, Department of Rapid Transit Systems,
Taipei City Government

Scope of Work

  1. Civil /architectural works:
    Steel structure, maintenance plant/parking plant/main substation/steel platform/pedestrian overpass/spare parts warehouse
  2. Tunnel:
    Slope excavation protection / Cut & Cover section (about 100 m) / mountain tunnel (about 366 m)
  3. Plumbing, electricity and air conditioning project:
    • Plumbing and electricity projects include the power system, lighting, fire fighting, fire alarm, water supply and drainage and sewage systems of tunnels and machinery plants.
    • Air conditioning works include provision of air conditioning and ventilation equipment at machine rooms and tunnels.

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